Practicing Gratitude
“It’s not joy that makes us grateful. It’s gratitude that makes us joyful.” – Jesuit priest It’s easy to lose sight of what we appreciate in
“It’s not joy that makes us grateful. It’s gratitude that makes us joyful.” – Jesuit priest It’s easy to lose sight of what we appreciate in
When we’re no longer able to change the situation, we are bound to change ourselves.
“This year, don’t worry about getting it right, just get it started. – Marie Forleo 2014 is here! Are you still excited? Some of you
We are where we are because we are happy with where we are at. Otherwise, we’d be fighting to be somewhere else.
How to Write a Congratulatory Letter to Yourself for 2014 Write a letter congratulating yourself on everything you want to accomplish during the upcoming year.
It’s the last day of 2013 and I can feel the energy around new beginnings, new years resolutions and goals. I love this time of
What to Remember When Waking By David Whyte In that first hardly noticed moment in which you wake, coming back to this life from the
“Difficulties break some men but make others. No axe is sharp enough to cut the soul of a sinner who keeps on trying, one armed
Pay attention to the messages you receive through others. They are gifts. If you keep the right perspective there is something to be learned in
“When you say no to others you open up space to say yes to yourself.” There is power in the word “No”. How often do
“Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.” Don’t you love it when something unique and different grabs your attention? I’m drawn to things that make me
“I really don’t think life is about the I-could-have-beens. Life is only about the I-tried-to-do. I don’t mind the failure but I can’t imagine that
‘The elevator to success is broken. Take the stairs.” – Jenifer Lewis This past Sunday was the Chicago Marathon and I just so happened to
“You can’t connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect
“What else in your life are you just average at?” – Jillian Michaels The Biggest Loser is back next week! I love NBC’s The Biggest
This summer I decided to invest my home. After a year and half of putting this off, it was time to take action. I live
© 2023 Tanisha Drummer Parrish – Life Under Innovation