How to Write a Congratulatory Letter to Yourself

Congratulations__Tattoo_script_by_M_EverhamHow to Write a Congratulatory Letter to Yourself for 2014

  • Write a letter congratulating yourself on everything you want to accomplish during the upcoming year. Start with an inspiring opening statement to open the letter.
  • Create a theme for the year (e.g. Year of transformation, saying no, saying yes, etc.)
  • List high level categories for your accomplishments
  • Write your accomplishments statements in detail focused on what you will do and not how you will do it. When you start to think about how you will do something it often because burdensome and you lose the excitement around wanting to do it. So today we are only focusing on the what because it opens up greater possibility to dream big.
  • When creating your accomplish statements consider these questions for inspiration:
    • What would you do if you were at your best?
    • What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
    • What have you always wanted to do, but haven’t?
    • What have you seen someone else do that you find interesting and appealing?
    • What problems do you see in the world that you want to change or influence?
  • Include a “Miracle goal”. Create 1 or 2 goals that are super ballsy and almost impossible without help from God. This is where you get to dream big! Ask your
  • Print the letter. Put it in an envelope and place it in a safe place. You can also put it on a vision board if you would like it to be visible.
  • Set a calendar reminder on your calendar to open letter at the end of 2014 and include the location of the letter so you know where to find it. Include the physical location and file name and location on your computer.
  • At the end of the year, re-read the letter and relish in all that you have accomplished in the past year. Add other things that you accomplished that were not included on the original letter.
  • Make it a shared experience! Include your significant other, spouse, parents, children, close friends, business partner, or work team.
  • Have fun and get creative!

Here’s a basic template you can use to structure your letter. I encourage you to get creative and make this a true reflection of you. Change the categories. Draft an inspiring and meaningful introductory paragraph that is a reflection of your best self.

Example Letter

December 31, 2014

Congratulations [Insert Name]!

You have had an amazing year in 2014. You are writing the next chapter of the book of your life. You have achieved everything you set out to and more. The blessings that were bestowed upon you were grander than you could have ever imagined. You are courageous, powerful, influential, and open. This is the year that you catapult yourself and everything around you to the next level.

Here’s a list of all of things you accomplished this year. You may be surprised to find that much of what you accomplished is not listed below. That is because you achieved so much more than you could have ever imagined. Relish in your achievements both professionally and personally. You are walking on the path to greatness! God has a special plan for your life and here is the proof.

Theme: 2014 is the Year of XX


  • XX

Personal Development

  • XX


  • X

Health and Wellness

  • X


  • X

Emotional & Spiritual

  • X


  • X


  • X


  • X

© 2023 Tanisha Drummer Parrish – Life Under Innovation