Top 5 Resources for Building New Year’s Resolutions

new-years-resolutionIt’s the last day of 2013 and I can feel the energy around new beginnings, new years resolutions and goals.  I love this time of year because it helps me crystallize my vision for the person I want to be and the actions I want to take in order to reach my goals.

Each year I write a congratulatory letter to myself that outlines what I want to accomplish in the upcoming year and I encourage you to join me (I’ll share more on how to do this tomorrow). In preparation for writing the letter, I want to share a few tools and articles to help you start thinking about what you want to write in your letter. So before you celebrate the new year, take some time today to develop your vision for 2014.

Here are my five must read/must do resources that I’m using to help craft my vision, goals and plan for the upcoming year:

1. Download 2014 New Year’s Guide by Jullien Gordon


2. Creating Your Personal Life Plan by Michael Hyatt


3. Free eBook Download: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur–How to Publish a Book


4. 20 Things I Did To Change My Life (that Worked) This Year by Paul C. Brunson


5. 30 Things to Start Doing for Yourself

© 2023 Tanisha Drummer Parrish – Life Under Innovation