There’s no one like family

“Family is the community of people whose love does not know the difference between you at your best and you at your worst.”

Right now, I’m sitting in Madrid-Barajas airport getting ready to head home on a long flight with two layovers. My European trip has come to an end. After six weeks of traveling around Spain (and a visit to Prague), it’s time for me to return to the US for a month before my next big summer adventure. I chose to come home today specifically to attend my family reunion in Louisville, KY. While I could have stayed and continued the trip with my travel buddies, it was important to me that I made it back for this. Louisville, KY is a tough match for Madrid, but the difference is that my family will be there. I don’t know about you, but I have the most amazing immediate and extended family. We have fun and know how to party! For those of you who don’t know, the Drummers are a big crew. My father has ten brothers and sisters so every holiday was a big party for me and my 30+ cousins. Our family continues to grow as people get married and the next generation of cousins are growing in numbers. I write all this to say that I am just excited about my trip to Louisville as I was about my trip to Spain because I get to be with my family. I love to travel and plan to continue to do even more of it, but one thing will always remain the same. No matter how far away I am or what I’m doing, I will always make time for my family.

The people we love the most are always the easiest to neglect because we know they will be there for us.  Take a minute to think about how you neglect or disregard your loved ones for “more important” things such as work, relationships, school, etc.  These things will not always be there for you, but your family will. So here’s to the Drummer’s! Safe travels as we decent upon Louisville, KY. I hope the city is ready.

© 2023 Tanisha Drummer Parrish – Life Under Innovation