Tanisha Drummer Parrish

Employed. Now what?

I knew this day would come, but it feels a bit anti-climatic. I got a job! Well, I haven’t started work yet, but I got an offer and accepted on Monday after a few weeks of debate.  At one point, I was not sure if I would accept the offer because of a few reasons. One being, that I didn’t think this was “amazing” enough. After being laid off for seven months and traveling to Europe and Africa for three, I was hoping for some epiphany or amazing opportunity. You know like you see in the movies. I’m eating lunch at a cafe in Madrid and a handsome guy approaches me. He joins me for lunch and we end up talking for hours. Turns out he’s the owner of a chain of hotels around the world and offers me a job as the VP of  Customer Connections where I’m responsible for evaluating the service level of all the hotels. I get to travel around the world, meet new people and stay at the finest hotels all while getting paid. Well, I woke up from that dream and realized that I liked this position enough to give it a try. I needed to stop standing still and move forward. It may or may not be the perfect opportunity, but I’ll never know if I continue to wait for something that may not come.

I apologize to anyone I haven’t told yet, but it has only been three days. I won’t mention the name of the company because this is not the place to do so. Similar to the way I never mentioned my former employer, I will not be discussing this one. I will say that I am transitioning from professional services/management consulting to industry. I’m curious to see how this goes. I start October 5th so I have a little over a week to live it up before I’m back to real life. Let’s just hope corporate life doesn’t turn me into the next Dwight Shrute on The Office.  See photo above. 😐

I guess I will have to update/change the name of this blog now that am no longer laid off. I’m a little sad about it as being employed isn’t as interesting as being “fun-employed”. Oh well, I did my part to help the economy and lower the unemployment rate. I imagine the name of this blog will continue to change as I continue to evolve. Hence, the Evolution of Tanisha.

© 2023 Tanisha Drummer Parrish – Life Under Innovation