About this Blog

This blog is a collection of thoughts, insights, books, and articles that focus on personal awareness and professional development. Many of the posts are inspired by my own experiences and the insight from these experiences. I often use quotes to guide each post. A quote is a powerful tool that communicates a compelling message in a simplistic form. A good one makes you pause; a great one changes your line of thinking. Regardless of the topic, it is my hope that each post will make you take a moment to reflect on your life, your career, and your relationships with others.

3 thoughts on “About this Blog”

  1. Hey….I’m so PROUD of your for taking steps to live life to the fullest…I know I’ve said it before but you are officially my “therapist.” You challenge me to not only think critically about my next steps but then to TAKE ACTION! Dillon and I will be setting up our Skpe account today…See you in Spain!


  2. Tanisha!
    I loved your posting– love the Paulo Coelho quote and well, I am with you 100% onthe PDA– it’s beautiful, and people should appreciate it more.
    A little story to share– when I first came to live in the US I had been taking English lessons for approximately 8 years and the first time I listened to the radio in San Diego I wanted to cry compulsevely because I had NO IDEA of what they were talking about (and everybody else in the car was laughing!) So since you’re in to the quotes, here’s one: “The best thing about the future is that it only comes one day at a time” abraham lincoln.
    Did you read “Eat Pray Love?” — what’s your address there? I want to mail you something…


    • Natasha, I love that quote! I will add it to my files. It’s so timely for me because, even here, I’m still anticipating the future. I haven’t fully relaxed yet. I did read Eat, Pray, Love and loved it! I think you have inspired a future post with your quote.


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