Tanisha Drummer Parrish

Aligning your environment with your state of mind

“Beware of the company you keep. Happiness is contagious and so is negativity. People who are not happy themselves cannot be happy for you. Hurt people tend to hurt people.”

Your environment directly influences your behavior and state of mind. Therefore, there needs to be consistency between your thoughts, actions and environment.  The first thing you consider when you plan a vacation is which location is best suited to support the experience you want to have. If you want a peaceful, relaxing experience you’d consider a small island or cabin in the mountains, not a big city.  We are often very critical when assessing our external environments (e.g. work, neighborhoods, Starbuck’s) and the people in these environments, except when it comes to those closest to us like friends and associates.

Emotions can be contagious. Have you ever noticed that when someone starts complaining, you start to complain as well. Or when someone smiles as you, you automatically smile back. What you put out is often what is returned, and what is given to you often has a direct influence on how you feel. So beware of the company you keep. Happiness is contagious and so is negativity. People who are not happy themselves cannot be happy for you. Hurt people tend to hurt people.

© 2023 Tanisha Drummer Parrish – Life Under Innovation