A Church Home

I am on a constant journey to deepen my spirituality and not working has given me the time think about ways to move forward. Having free time and not traveling has changed how I view my ability to commit to various things, including church. Last month, I officially walked the aisle to join the church I have been attending consistently for a year and a half now and off and on for the past five years. When I was working, it was easy for me rationalize why I had not joined church. I was always traveling and could be out of town for months at a time. After getting laid off, I felt this desire and freedom to make a commitment to church. I walked the aisle and received the right hand of fellowship on April 4, 2009. It was the new beginning that I needed to continue the journey of deepening my relationship with God.

© 2023 Tanisha Drummer Parrish – Life Under Innovation