Tanisha Drummer Parrish

Invest in yourself

“Invest in yourself. How you invest your time determines your return on life.” – Jullien Gordon

T’is the season of giving and thinking about others in need. While giving to others is important, don’t lose yourself in others so much that you forget to take stock in yourself. Invest in yourself personally by buying yourself a gift or treating yourself to a massage. Invest in yourself professionally by taking a class or starting a side business.

The year is coming to an end and many will embark on setting new year resolutions. Personally, I’ve never set new year resolution because I believe goals should be set throughout the year. October seems to be my main month of renewal and I already have a plan for ways I’m going to invest in myself professionally and personally. I also bought got myself a few early gifts.

I finally bought a DSLR camera, signed up for photography classes, bought a beautiful necklace, scheduled a massage and made dinner reservations three months out for a restaurant I’ve been wanting to go to. Merry Christmas and happy (early) birthday to me! Do the same for yourself.

© 2023 Tanisha Drummer Parrish – Life Under Innovation